
Alzheimer's and ART: Breakthrough Therapy - ABC News Intvw w/ Dr. John Zeisel

Alzheimer's and ART: Breakthrough Therapy - ABC News Intvw w/ Dr. John Zeisel

Alzheimer's and ART: Breakthrough Therapy -  <br>
ABC News Intvw w/ Dr. John Zeisel

ABC News covers Arts-Based Alzheimer's Therapy sponsored by ARTZ and Hearthstone Institute's Dr. John Zeisel; here conducted at New York's Museum of Modern Art. unorthodox but highly effective treatments for people Alzheimer's Disease--based on the Arts. These treatments help patients, caregivers and families break through the mental barriers put up by AD. This philosophy of treatment can be found in John Zeisel's book I'M STILL HERE: A NEW PHILOSOPHY OF ALZHEIMER'S CARE


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